Show plans or subscriptions in your emails

Use Pricing Table sections to get your subscribers to your sign-up page. They're perfect for a 'trial expired' notification, or a promotional event email.

Sartre Email comes with two main types of Pricing Tables:

  • 2 columns
  • 3 columns

Each type includes 3 variations.

2 Columns

These are well suited for simple pricing options.

Pricing Table 2 Columns

3 Columns

A bit more complex and tight, these pricing tables are better suited for advanced pricing options.

Pricing Table 3 Columns



Text size and colour can be styled through inline CSS.

Background colour

Change the HEX colour in the bgcolor="" attribute.


Borders are defined with inline CSS, simply change the pixel width, style, and colour.


Buttons can be customised with inline CSS. Read more in our Button component framework docs.

Top/bottom spacing

For table headings (i.e. the pricing plan name), spacing is achieved with CSS padding.

Top and bottom spacing is done with Acorn's Universal Spacer component, which is added near the top and bottom of the section's HTML code. You can change the line-height: value on the <div class="spacer". For mobile spacer customisation, learn more about spacers in Acorn.